A powerful ally to recovery, weekly massage therapy sessions at our Byron Bay facility integrated into your treatment program deliver enormous benefits to the healing process. Effective massage boosts circulatory and immune systems, assists the lymphatic system with the removal of toxins, eases mental and physical tension and brings about a deep sense of calm and wellbeing.
The Healing Power Of Touch
The mind and body have a profound natural ability to heal when in a state of total relaxation.
By reducing your anxiety levels, minimising blood pressure and decreasing the production of stress hormones massage becomes an instrumental stress management tool in your healing process. As an integral component of our program, the vast benefits delivered by the healing touch of this treatment will optimise the effects of other treatment modalities, enhancing your recovery. Our highly trained and respectful therapists create a space for you that is both healing and safe, tailoring each session to meet your individual needs allowing you to let go and relax.